Instead  we think...

The design should be the message.


While we think embracing  details is important, the true focus of design should be to communicate.   For example, the ancient design of the nautilus epitomizes  and synthesizes both design and function.  But too many times, attention to design completely overwhelms everything else... at the expense of your objectives, and what you wanted to say gets lost in translation.  Yes, graphic design is a form of art...  but it should be a means to an end.  Design should communicate something, especially when it comes to your business.  Our philosophy is that the design objective should always begin with the communications objective.  If cutting-edge design delivers your message - great.  But if something plain and simple better achieves your objectives, beauty should be discarded for a design that will actually improve your bottom line.  And let's not forget about the advertising copy, either.  We believe that sometimes, it's best to deliver a direct message, instead of a long and wandering screed.  Remember, in communications, it's not beauty that counts,  it's results.  A good design really should represent the purest distillation of your visual and written message.


(949) 244-3606

It's often said...





is in



Orum + Moore & Associates © August 2019

It's often said

The design

is in the
